Season 1, Ep 22: Our Anticipated Reads for 2022

Hi Friends! In this episode of TBR Lowdown:

  • We share the books coming out this year we’re looking forward to reading.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Pocket Casts, Castro, Overcast, Breaker, and iHeart Radio.

Did you know you can also watch the UNCUT/UNEDITED video version of the podcast? Watch on NerdyNurseReads Booktube Channel.

Have a question or comment you want to share with us, email us at

Want to recommend a book to our audience? Leave us a short message to let us know at and we’ll play it on the show!

Music by Wataboi from Pixabay

We are so excited about these books that are coming out this year. We cannot wait to read them. We plan to do a show at the end of this year to discuss whether we were able to read our anticipated reads or not and what we thought about them. That should be interesting.


🎙Alysssa fan girls over upcoming books from TOR
🎙 Naomi shares her most anticipated read and once again declares her love for this author
🎙 We make a plan to track which books we read from this list


Read with us for our January book club pick! Visit to see what we’re reading.


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Season 1, Ep 23: Backlist Books You Should Read in 2022


Season 1, Ep 21: Retrospective on Podcasting