Season 1, Ep 15: Let’s Play a Game: ReRead/ReWrite/Burn
Hi Friends! In this episode of TBR Lowdown:
We play a fun game that stumps us, makes us laugh, and rethink our reading choices.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Pocket Casts, Castro, Overcast, Breaker, and iHeart Radio.
Did you know you can also watch the UNCUT video version of the podcast? Watch on NerdyNurseReads Booktube Channel.
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Read a book that left you feeling like you really need to talk it out with someone? Leave us a message and tell us all about it at
This week we play a game that is an older booktube tag. ReRead/ReWrite/Burn.
We scroll through our Bookly Apps and choose three books—one book we’d reread, one book we’d rewrite, and one book we’d burn. It was definitely not easy but sure was a ton of fun to play.
Read with us for our November book club pick! Visit to see what we’re reading.
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Naomi is @bookladyreads on Instagram
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