Season 1, Ep 23: Backlist Books You Should Read in 2022
Hi Friends! In this episode of TBR Lowdown:
We love reading backlist books and in this episode, we were more than excited to share some of our favorites we think everyone should read.
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Now that we’ve shared our anticipated reads for 2022, we’re back to share some of our favorite backlist books.
🎙Naomi really wants people to read Tayari Jones and P. Djeli Clark
🎙 We briefly chat about The Expanse series
🎙 Alyssa shares how much she loves City of Thieves
* A backlist is a publisher’s list of older books that are still in print, but have been on sale for more than a year. The backlist is the opposite of the frontlist, which is a publisher’s list of newly published book titles. Books often become a part of the backlist because there is limited shelf space in stores, which is usually designated for frontlist titles that a publisher is marketing extensively. Because the period in which a book title goes from frontlist to backlist is so short, most of a publisher’s title catalog consists of backlist books. (source:
Read with us for our January book club pick! Visit to see what we’re reading.
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