Season 2, Ep 79: [LIVE REBROADCAST] We discuss the longlists for The Women’s Prize, Carol Shields Prize, and International Booker
Hi Friends! In this episode of TBR Lowdown:
[LIVE REBROADCAST] We discuss the longlists for The Women’s Prize, Carol Shields Prize, and International Booker
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It’s prize season and we couldn’t be more excited. In this live episode, we discuss the longlists for The Women’s Prize for Fiction, The Carol Shields Prize for Fiction, and The International Booker Prize.
🎙 Sometimes reading a non-fiction book on a particular topic helps to enhance reading a fictional book on the same topic.
🎙 The International Booker is still our favorite prize, but this new Carol Shields prize is pretty interesting.
🎙 We decided to read the entire International Booker longlist with our Discord members.
Books mentioned on the show.
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