Our Anticipated Spring Releases

In season 4 episode 158, we share 10 Spring book releases we’re looking forward to reading.

Books mentioned in this episode.

The Terror by Dan Simmons
A Backward Glance: An Autobiography by Edith Wharton
Perfect Timing by Brenda Jackson
Little by Edward Carey

Our Anticipated Reads
Glory Daze: A Glory Broussard Mystery by Danielle Arceneaux
Stag Dance by Torrey Peters
Everything is Tuberculosis by John Green
The King of a Rainy Country by Brigid Brophy
Vanishing World by Sayaka Murata, translated from the Japanese by Ginny Tapley Takemori
The Fantasies of Future Things by Doug Jones
Medicine River: A Story of Survival and the Legacy of Indian Boarding Schools by Mary Annette Pember
The Emperor of Gladness by Ocean Vuong
This Book is a Knife: Radical Working-Class Strategies in the Age of Climate Change by L.E. Fox
Immaculate Conception by Ling Ling Huang


We discuss Clean by Alia Trabucco Zerán, translated from the Spanish by Sophie Hughes


We Discuss All Yours and Times of the Flies by Claudia Piñeiro