Season 1, Ep 6: What We Read for Women in Translation Month
Hi Friends! In this episode of TBR Lowdown, we:
Talk about what we read for Women in Translation Month
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In this episode, we talk about all the books we read for Women in Translation (#WITMonth). We had a pretty amazing month of reading and found some new favorite books and authors.
Naomi finally reads Elena Ferrante and falls in love
Alyssa takes one for the team and tries to forget a certain very disturbing book
We talk about our experience in placing a focus on reading women in translation for the month
Who is Elena Ferrante: an investigative plot worthy of the mystery
Here is the true identity of Elena Ferrante
Have Italian Scholars Figured Out the Identity of Elena Ferrante?
In a rare interview, Elena Ferrante describes the writing process behind the Neapolitan novels
* All the books embedded below are linked to our shop.
Books Mentioned:
To watch Alyssa’s wrap-up video for Women in Translation Month, visit
Visit for information on our Ulysses and 1Q84 read-along. The Ulysses read-along started Sunday, September 5, 2021.
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