Season 1, Ep 7: Yes, Ghost Daddy!
Hi Friends! In this episode of TBR Lowdown, we:
Talk about our book options for October aka Spooky Season!
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October is right around the corner and you know what that means!! SPOOKY READING SEASON! In this episode we talk about over 20 books we’re thinking about reading in October.
Naomi has a surprise with two of the books she wants to read
Alyssa shares a book she received from a publisher that we both can’t wait to read
Books Mentioned:
* View all the books mentioned in this episode in our shop.
Fledgling by Octavia Butler
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell
Bone China by Laura Purcell
Zofloya or The Moors by Charlotte Dacre
The Changeling by Victor LaValle
The Graveyard Apartment by Mariko Koike
Slewfoot by BROM
Horseman: A Tale of Sleepy Hollow by Christina Henry
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Reprieve by James Han Mattson
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo
Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente
The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh
Minion (Vampire Huntress Legend #1) by L.A. Banks
The Dracula Book of Great Vampire Stories by Leslie Shepard
NOS4A2 by Joe Hill
The Troop by Nick Cutter
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw
The Seven Visitations of Sydney Burgess by Andy Marino
Triquetra by Kirstyn McDermott
Fabulous Beasts by Priya Sharma
Lakesedge by Lyndall Clipstone
Black Sunshine by Karina Halle
The Photographer by Marie Dixie Carter
Killing November by Adriana Mather
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann
The Corpse Queen by Heather Herrman
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee
In the Ravenous Dark by A.M Strickland
Craven Manor by Darcy Coates
Of Light and Darkness by Shayne Leighton
Vita Nostra by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko
Daughters From the Dark by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko
White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson
Prosper's Demon by K.J. Parker
Unraveling Oliver by Liz Nugent
Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood
City of Masks by Daniel Hecht
Land of Echoes by Daniel Hecht
The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz
Dead Last by Jams W. Hall
Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Call of Cthulu and Other Stories by H.P. Lovecraft
The Manningtree Witches by A.K. Blakemore
Revelator by Daryl Gregory
The Living Dead by George A. Romera and Daniel Kraus
gothicka by Victoria Nelson
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Read with us for our September book club picks! Visit to see what books we’re reading this month.
Visit for information on our Ulysses and 1Q84 read-along. The Ulysses read-along started Sunday, September 5, 2021.
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Naomi 0:08
Hello, how are you? I go, how am I? I am excited for this particular episode.
Alyssa 0:19
Why cuz we’re gonna talk about spooky books. Yes, yeah. Good old spooky season
Naomi 0:24
for the good old spooky season. Yes, because some of these books I’ve been holding off on reading for like, basically almost a year, because I only wanted to read them. And October. Yeah, I’ve got a hodgepodge of things here.
Alyssa 0:39
I have a lot of, I have a lot of random stuff. And I wonder what we have that’s similar.
Naomi 0:44
I feel like I have a lot of random stuff, too. I don’t know how I don’t know how you process this. But I first just went through my shelf to just pick out all of the thermal very creepy things that I think I may want to read. And then I looked at my Goodreads list because I have a shelf on Goodreads called creepy reads. And when I find things throughout the year that are that fit that category, I add them to that shelf. So some of those things on that list. I’m going to try to get to read for October, in addition to stuff I already have on my shelves, so it’s a hodgepodge of things. And I have a little of a shocker hear that Alyssa probably won’t even believe that I did, and we’ll see if it actually happens. But we’ll talk about it. We’ll talk about how we get to my turn. Are you gathering? Are you gathering books?
Alyssa 1:42
I’m trying to figure out where where are the books I bought yesterday for this?
Naomi 1:51
Hey, friends, I want to point out that Alyssa is currently This is for those of you who can’t see the video. Alyssa
Alyssa 1:59
disorganised one, she bought books yesterday. And she’s currently
Naomi 2:06
seriously looking for where they are. This is how many books that she’s bought recently. She doesn’t even know where she put them. And I think it’s hilarious. But I’m really I’m really excited. I guess. I also want to start by saying that Alyssa and I buddy read the historian by Elizabeth kostova, or Kosova in 2020. It was one of the most wonderful
Alyssa 2:32
books I ever read was literally looking at them last night before bed,
Naomi 2:35
where did they go, Oh, my God, I’m telling them about our story I’m buddy read from last year. And it was one of the great I mean, it. It was such a great book. And it’s a chunk of book. And listen, I both love a chunk of book. And so good, it’s so good. And it’s the kind of book where you just want to savor it, you really want to savor it. So I purposely just read a little bit of that book each day, you know, during the entire month of October. And it was just so fulfilling. And I really want to read it again, this October, it was just so delightful to read. It really was
Alyssa 3:14
very, very good. And I highly recommend it to everybody. Now I have this tiny little stack. But I also have my little list here which has very, very little crossover. Because I went through my arcs and most of my e arcs. And I went through my book book. And that’s kind of my, my list comes from all of that. I mean, I probably have like 20 books here. How many do you have a track and he didn’t tell me you didn’t give me a limit. I will
Naomi 3:46
limit this now there is no limit. It’s as many as you want my friend this as many as you want. Because we’re so again, this is not a permanent TBR if you listen to our episode, we don’t do that. This is just like what we have what we think we may want to read. You know, it’s like just just a bucket of stuff that we may want to read for October and whatever, whatever we get to we get to
Alyssa 4:10
Alright, do you want to do we want to alternate like we did? Yeah,
Naomi 4:13
you want to do like 212212212? Sure. Okay,
Alyssa 4:16
how much do we want us? Oh, you go first and then I’ll just mirror you.
Naomi 4:20
Let me start with my creepy reads shelf on Goodreads because I don’t have any of these books physically. But these are the ones that I’m going to be looking for when I go to the thrift store and McKay this coming Friday and if I don’t see them at any of these stores and I’m going to order them online. So I really want to track down and read fledgling by Octavia Butler that’s on my list. Okay, okay. I really want to read that one. I’ve never seen this one like in person in any use store. It’s on Hoopa Oh, great. Okay, great. So I’ll read it, but we’ll have the audio book at least okay. So fledgling by Octavia Butler. I also want to read the changeling by Victor Laval. I enjoy him I read the Battle of black Tom, I think in 2019 loved it. Laura Purcell. I’ve been wanting to read her for a really long time. So I’m going to be looking for the silent companions.
Alyssa 5:27
I very much want to read that book. Mm hmm. I have,
Naomi 5:31
or bone China, but I would like to get back. Yeah. But if I can’t find both, I’m at least going to try to get the silent companions. The last one that I’m well. Okay, there’s two more. I also want to get the flyer. It’s called as a flyer or the more that’s the title, and it’s by Charlotte. Decker, Docker. I don’t know da care. And is this translated? Maybe? I’m not sure. It’s very old. It’s very old. So it’s called the floor. Yes. ZOFLOY. A, and story
Alyssa 6:08
of lust, betrayal, and multiple murders since the last days, the 15th century.
Naomi 6:14
Yes. And I’ve been wanting to read the graveyard apartment by Mariko. I don’t know how to say the last name. This is another one of those like, Japanese called classic books. And I was telling Alyssa just a few days ago that I remembered why I didn’t buy it last year. I was trying to track it down in the thrift stores in the US bookstore last year. I look forward four months, and then I couldn’t find it and I was going to buy it online. that sucker is like almost $30 and so and I remember that because when I was looking forward to get online this year, I saw that was like 2527 $28 or something, but I’m not buying that. So that’s why I don’t have well
Alyssa 6:53
on your Kygo on your Kindle your kigo it’s 12 on your kigo
Naomi 6:59
just Kiko i don’t i can’t i can’t commit but this the graveyard apartment has been on my list for a while and then slue foot that’s probably the only book that I’m gonna pay full price for this is by the author Brom. He wrote a book that I read last October called the child thief which is a darker Peter Pan story and it was fantastic. So I’m very excited to read slue foot
Alyssa 7:23
I think the only book I have coming that’s a new book is that horsemen book it comes out at the end of September is called horsemen A Tale of Sleepy Hollow by Christina Henry. Oh, you show me interest the cover is creepy. It sounds creepy. I do love a good Sleepy Hollow reference. You know since I live not too far from there went to a school they’re like I’m very Sleepy Hollow is very much a part of my understanding of Halloween. So that’s on my list. I guess we can go through some more. Just like things we don’t already have. Like certain dark things which I know you already have. But I don’t have that by Silvia Moreno Garcia, you know I love a good vampire story. Yes, it’s a vampire story. So you’re for that. Oh, I need to look up what this is. These are all things I have on some sort of Tucson mats and there we go. So there’s this book that I have an archive it’s called reprieve to iarc and comes out. October 5, it says it’s set in 1997. For contestants make it to the final sell of Quigley house. A full contact haunted escape room in Lincoln, Nebraska made famous for its monstrosities, booby traps and ghoulish, costumed actors. If the group can endure these horrors without shouting the safe word reprieve, they will win a substantial cash prize, a startling feat accomplished only by one of the group in a house as long history before they can complete the challenge. A man breaks into the cell and kills one of the contestants.
Naomi 8:53
Okay, here for it. Right? Yeah,
Alyssa 8:57
that sound does that give you like, oh, all vibes. Love it. I do want to read and that’s my games. Han. Han Mattson and I want to read some are sons Bailey Mondello, which comes out at the end of this month they believe
Naomi 9:14
is that the one our friend Lacey just read? Is that the same is okay.
Alyssa 9:19
It is and let me see. I don’t I didn’t read it yet. I want to read it. I’m also doing my October reads good reads while we’re here. So for some reason somebody wants to look at it. They’re more than like Welcome to but I haven’t iarc of this one as well. This one is like queer in some way if I believe correctly, right.
Naomi 9:48
I hadn’t heard of an intro you all brought it up.
Alyssa 9:50
Andrew and Eddie did everything together. Best Friends bonded more deeply than brothers until Eddie left Andrew behind to start his graduate program at Vanderbilt six months later. Only days with For Andrew was to join him in Nashville Edie dies of apparent suicide and leaves Andrew a horrible inheritance of roommate. He doesn’t know. Friends. He never asked for a gruesome Phantom with bleeding risks that mutters of revenge. Oh, that sounds interesting. Yeah. I mean, I have so many of these so I don’t know if you want to jump in and give some more of your I mean, I just gave Well, okay, there I’ve actually do you have this one yet? I do. comfort me with apples. I definitely want to read I read catherynne M. Valente his other book earlier, the past is read which is sort of like a
Naomi 10:40
Oh yeah, you just read that recently environmental,
Alyssa 10:44
environmental sci fi book. So I’m excited to read this I think this is a it’s a little thriller and says For fans of Gone Girl and spinning silver, which I hated still spinning silver. I love Gone Girl. So we’ll see how I go with this. Yeah, but I do really like her writing. She can be very strange, but in like the best way.
Naomi 11:07
Boom, and super short. Yeah, very short.
Alyssa 11:10
Thank you. always thank you for DACA there’s a book by Sarah Glenn Marsh who’s an author that I’ve followed for a while I’m really hot by the way that I followed for a while. And mostly because I read one of her books into the drowning deeps the other lady it’s something about the drowning in the deep ocean, a very similar name to that Mira grant book, but that is fabulous, by the way. Very different books, but Sarah Glenn Marsh also has greyhounds and a Saluki, which if you’ve never seen a Saluki adorable, I kind of want one I don’t know how she even got a Saluki, but she has a new book out called The girls are never gone, I believe and it just came out yet. It just came out this week, and it has a fantastic creepy cover if you’ve never seen it. It says The Conjuring meets
Naomi 11:59
Satie. That’s weird. All right.
Alyssa 12:03
Yeah. So if you’ve got like the podcast or set up, young podcaster takes an internship in a haunted house and finds herself in a life or death struggle against an evil spirit here for it. It’s way dark. Ya. Yeah, totally here for it. Totally. You’re for it. What else you got on your list? There.
Naomi 12:22
Okay. There are a couple more thing. So my creepy reads shelf on Goodreads. There is this urban vampire Huntress series called vampire hunters legend by la banks. And the first book is called mingan. I’m interested. So if I happen to see it, I’m gonna pick it up. For sure.
Alyssa 12:45
Is it like smutty vampires or
Naomi 12:48
it’s just the it’s just the urban fantasy? But apparently it’s really good. And I think la banks is a woman of color, I think yeah, that’s that’s probably it off my Goodreads.
Alyssa 12:59
You Really? Did you really want to go down this road with me? Because I have so many books.
Naomi 13:05
Yes, I do.
Alyssa 13:06
So I have this, which I bought from the book barn recently. And it’s the Dracula book of. It’s a book of great vampire stories. And it’s a collective. This is just like a random collection of vampire short stories. This was collected and put together I guess in the mid 70s. So nothing is older than that. And the first one I think I’ve said this a couple times. The first one was written in like the late 1800s. And it sounds like our vampire is a lesbian. Nice. So I kind of want to read some of these. Like I’m totally here for that. I could not once I read that. I was like, Yeah, you’re coming home with me. Absolutely. There. I want to read Nosferatu, which I have somewhere which is the Joe Hill book. Oh, I don’t have that. I have another Joe Hill. You don’t have that book. But it’s supposed to be like a good classic like horror that I need to read. And I think they made a TV show out of it. They did. And at the same time there’s also this book by Nick cutter which you see you’ll see making the rounds probably this year like he does every year the truth. Yeah, it’s like I have to actually read that. Yeah, I picked up I Am Legend. At some point. Maybe this most recent book calm. I’ve never actually read I Am Legend, so I haven’t seen the movie either. So I guess I didn’t realize it was about like zombies.
Naomi 14:24
I liked the movie. I wonder how the book is though.
Alyssa 14:28
I think it’s supposed to be better, but I don’t remember what people told me I think is supposed to be different. Like very different. Interesting. Okay, I but I’m excited to actually read that. So that’s a bunch of backlist stuff that I have. Yeah, I’d love to be able to do a reread of 9000 especially given the fact that said by Jess hated nine pounds and it hurts me to my sad kitten on the floor core.
Naomi 14:54
I am not rereading that until we know when the sequels coming Because I would like to read, reread ninth house the same month that the sequel comes out. That’s what I’m wanting
Alyssa 15:07
to do. I’m gonna do a third reread. Just reread it again.
Naomi 15:15
You know what? I, in addition to the historian, I also would not reread my rereading, but night film. That was so good. It’s so dang good. Oh,
Alyssa 15:29
I have another book that I have. I’m iarc and I really wish I had a hard copy of it. And it’s from toward I think, Oh, it’s not toward nightfire and that’s nothing but black and teeth. which you’ve probably would recognize the cover of but it’s it’s based on a Japanese folklore. So our story and it just it sounds so creepy. And I just like covers unsettling. Everything’s just
Naomi 15:53
it is testing coverage. nightmare.
Alyssa 15:56
It is I asked for it on netgalley just because of the cover. I was like I need this in my life. It’s it just looks so Gosh, darn creepy.
Naomi 16:06
It does. It is. If you were alone at night, and you saw what’s the one that cover this book. You probably crapped your pants.
Alyssa 16:15
I’m here for it. Oh, you love that I pick this up for the dark academia vibes of Yes. These violent delights. Not the new ya these giant delight. Oh, these violent delights by mica no mirror.
Naomi 16:33
Alyssa 16:34
I can’t say names and just I’m sorry. Did it was also terrible at saying names is Russell for making paper blog. I know. But I feel like the two of us together would just be like, could you imagine the two of us together? No reading books try to see names. No.
Naomi 16:57
I’m so glad you pick that up. That book is so dark and disturbing. I loved it. I loved it.
Alyssa 17:07
Loved it. That would make you excited. And
Naomi 17:09
also it’s like God dang it. I have not heard anyone talk about that book. No one.
Alyssa 17:14
Because Because everybody’s talking about the secret history, which is just fucked up. I just don’t like it. Like it’s totally fucked up. And like a good way. It’s just fucked up in a pretentious way where it’s like I lived through the 90s I don’t need to you’re reminded of like what pretentious white boys were like in the 90s like those kids. were kids. I went to high school. Yeah. They just got to go to college and early 2000s. Right. If we took it back a decade, or like five years, they would have been the same exact kids do you know like, I just told him to know what you mean. I’m good. I’m good. I live this life. I’m good. I also got this from someone Hachette I guess I don’t know if someone sent me this. I can’t remember which publishing houses the seven vids. visitations of Sidney Burgess. verges, which was supposed to be some sort of horror book. That’s new. I don’t know. So we’ll see. I don’t always have the best of luck with some of these things. Like the new I’m hesitant on newer stuff. Yeah. Because I kind of want some people to read it and then be like, it’s gonna blow your mind. Yeah,
Naomi 18:18
I know. You mean, huh.
Alyssa 18:20
But I’ll try it covers pretty good with like the slashes and the mirror. Yeah, it gives it a creepy vibe for sure. It’s got potential, what else you got? Because I can just keep going and going.
Naomi 18:31
So let me let me do my shocker, right. What’s your shocker? I have two things on my Kindle. Oh, now they’re very these are these are novellas and actually, one is probably only like 50 pages. So the first one is fabulous. biess by Priya Sharma. I think this is horror short stories. If I’m not mistaken, I was on a handful of blogs that were talking about like diverse, underrated horror reads. And this was on a couple of those blogs. And lo and behold, I was able to get the Kindle version for free. So that’s exciting. Mm hmm. And then there was one on those lists that was on a list and I don’t know how to pronounce this. I mean, it’s one of those tour bridges that you can go on the tour website and read but I added it to my Kindle and it’s called try katra. That may be wrong guys. Let me spell it t ri q ue e t. r A, and it’s by Kirsten McDermott. And it’s a dark fantasy novelette about the front relationship between Snow White and her step mother. f A Snow White is married to Prince and has her own child. So I was like, Okay, I’m, I’m into that. I’ll check that out. It’s tour, so it’s probably Great. So those two things on my Kindle, both are very short, I think both combined are probably 100 pages. And that’s probably All I can commit to in terms of something that I’m reading on on my Kindle.
Alyssa 20:03
I don’t know who you are, but I’m good. Yeah, I’m going with it. Yeah, there’s this I don’t know if it’s out yet and I will probably buy myself a copy if I enjoy the arc of it. There’s a gothic fantasy like why fantasy but again, so here’s here’s where they trip me up. So it’s called lakes edge. It’s by Lynn Lindell clipstone, I think it comes out soon end of the month, so September 20, awesome cover eights giving me like, Crimson Peak kind of vibes with the cover, you know, like some sort of haunted Banshee monsters, all this stuff, but here’s what they how they they tag it, and this is why I hate when they tell books like this. Perfect for fans of Naomi novik. We all know how I feel about Naomi novik and Bridget kemer I don’t care for Naomi novick’s writing at all. And Bridget camera is fine. doesn’t sell me on a bright right like it’s fine. But they could not be more different. This is why I’m making this fake could not be more different as authors so What in God’s name Am I gonna get I but it looks really good. I also want to watch Crimson Peak. Maybe I’ll do that tonight. So moving I love you don’t like crumbs? Oh, it’s a Guillermo del Toro movie.
Naomi 21:19
You never say Oh, no.
Alyssa 21:22
We should watch that tonight. I have not I’ve only seen Pan’s Labyrinth. Welcome to my The older I get the more I think I actually have ADD because of the way I live my life. I just always thought it was the anxiety. Add all along.
Naomi 21:43
Whoops, the wrong diagnosis.
Alyssa 21:45
That’s all right. It’s fine. I’ve made it this far. Oh, so it is on Netflix. Like we could literally do a watch party. Let’s do words. So that’s that. We talked about fledging already. I have a book on my. I think it’s from Kindle Unlimited, and it’s called Black sunshine. And it’s dark eyes do at number one by Kareena Hale. And I believe it’s like vampire smart. Okay, but I don’t care because it’s a fempire. And yeah, we’ll read it. Oh, no, I don’t think this one is the vampire. But smart. Not select no wrong.
Naomi 22:26
Although there’s nothing wrong with the word slut. Oh, no, no,
Alyssa 22:29
it is so dark sunshine is a dark adult romance with a paranormal twist about sex loves secrets and revenge set in contemporary San Francisco. Oh, hello. And you need to see the cover. It’s just like skulls and like calculus. And like I’m all for it. I’m all for it. cuz sometimes you need to sometimes you need some smart to like spice up your life.
Naomi 22:55
I’m here for it.
Alyssa 22:56
What else you got cuz I am a mess. And I will tell you
Naomi 23:00
I got this book called The photographer. It was in one of my summer book spark boxes. Show it again. I was over in Goodreads. Oh, the photographer by Mary Dixie Carter. So it says let me just read one paragraph. As a photographer Delta dawn observes a seemingly perfect lives in New York City’s elite snapping photos of the judges birthday parties transforming images of stiff stiff hugs and tear stained faces and divisions of pure joy and creating moments these parents Long, long for but when delta is higher for Natalie strops, 11th birthday, she finds herself wishing she wasn’t behind the lens, but a part of the scene and the strong families gorgeous home and elegant life. So Phil stalkery to me, and I’m here for it.
Alyssa 23:40
Oh, I like stocks. There’s not in real life but I love them and but
Naomi 23:44
this is the why a one. I don’t know. I saw this on some list a long time ago. And when I went in, bam, one day it was there but I didn’t want to pay full price. So I got it from a book and it’s called killing November.
Alyssa 23:58
Oh, I’ve heard about that one. It’s not supposed to be good.
Naomi 24:01
Supposedly, and it’s a series Okay, at the International Academy absconded, abscond, study, okay, there’s no electricity, no internet, and an archaic eye for an eye punishment system classes range from my throwing and poisons to the art of deception. And the students also respond to sentence of the world’s most elite strategists training to become assassin spies and master impersonators. So this is book one. And whatever the series is called killing November so I’m, I’m kind of excited to read this. Oh, that sounds good. Like that. And then I’ve had this on my shows for a while. It’s killers of the flower moon, the Osage murders and the birth of the FBI.
Alyssa 24:45
Ah, we love her good. Like, rhyming Yes. Yeah. No, fuck. Okay, back to you. Alyssa. Oh, gosh. Okay, so I have another eye because remember I went through all my er I have this er of the core. squeezed by Heather Herman which comes out when it’s got to be soon. Next week. So on Tuesday, it comes out and it says in this dark, twisted feminist historical thriller, a teenage girl starts a new life as a grave robber, but quickly becomes entangled in a murderous plan and murderers plans. Like I’m here for I’m here for that. That sounds interesting. Hopefully, it’s good as you were talking about that. No, that was the killing November. Yes, chilly November 1, I’m going to add it to my October list because that sounds really good. For some reason. It was making me think of Atlas six, which I do you really want to read. And I have it behind me somewhere. Yes. So that’s like a bunch of magicians that have to like come together to do something or other. And I it just sounds really interesting in the end, and I can’t wait to read that. I also have a lesson in vengeance. I keep saying that one. Yeah. And I think you’re seeing it a lot because it’s Instagram popular. Plus, it’s clear the author’s trans. Okay. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s getting a lot of hype right now. Okay, on the on the old bookstagram. So, but it’s supposed to be dark academia kind of book and it says, I’ll see Felicity Morrow is back at Dalloway school perched in the Catskill Mountains so not far from me. The centuries old Ivy covered campus was home until the tragic death of her girlfriend now after a year away, she’s returned to finish high school. So I guess there’s witchcraft they’ve got dark Academy vibes. Okay, some other stuff going on. So I’m here I’m here for all of those kinds of vibes I want to read in the ravenous dark Finally, because I never read in the at ravenous dark. I have the audio book. I’ve talked about that before. And I have and it’s like, it’s like this queer, Dark Horse like gothic horror. It’s a pants. A pan sexual blood needs reluctantly teamed up with an undead spirit to start a rebellion among the living and the dead. That might be good. I’ve heard really good things. I believe Gabby really liked it. I remember asking Gabby about it. And I think Gabby, right, and she’s like, it’s not just a pretty cover. It actually is really good.
Naomi 27:15
Ah, okay. So you got some hope there.
Alyssa 27:18
I got some hope there that it’s not just a pretty cover. I picked up this thing at the book barn Craven Manor, just like some classic spooky haunted house.
Naomi 27:30
Darcy coats is very popular. She is very popular and I wanted to read her last year, but I didn’t see her at a thrifted price. Yes, she is very popular. For taller for taller for a taller, taller for taller.
Alyssa 27:48
I need help. He’s This is gonna come home be like what did you do there? Just I’m just like throwing these books on the floor next to
Naomi 27:55
me. No, you know, this was the day we had our marathon podcast recording session. That means books everywhere. Yeah,
Alyssa 28:02
I might start reading some of these after I get through all of the things you gave me to read. Oh, I forgot about this. I was looking at this on my list. And I was like, What am I what am What is this? So there is a like a new adult. It’s on Kindle Unlimited, a new adult like fairy tale series that’s out. And this is called of light and darkness by Shane Layton. And it is a stunning debut that is fiercely imaginative multi layered dark fantasy for ferit fans of the bear and the nightingale which I know is one of those cult classics of fantasy world. fantasy world of like, whatever, like middle Grady fantasies, like all of Lion, the Witch in the wardrobe.
Naomi 28:49
It’s not a middle grade, though,
Alyssa 28:51
isn’t it? Is I thought it was middle grade.
Naomi 28:53
It’s that middle grade.
Alyssa 28:55
What is it?
Naomi 28:56
I mean, I think it’s just ya. Okay. Yeah,
Alyssa 28:59
I don’t really know sometimes where the difference lies. But yeah, it’s just a really interesting cuz it’s like a new spin on fantasy, like a fairy tale sort of fantasy. And it’s set in the Czech Republic. And there’s witches and shifters and elves and all these things. And it just sounds like it could be really fun. Like if it’s done well. Yeah, it will be like really, really fun. So I kind of want to give it a try. Weirdly, that is almost all of my listless How did we do that? And it’s only been 36 minutes if you could go on like rapid fire through.
Naomi 29:33
I know. Well, yeah, we’re, I’m into the physical ones. I’m into the physical ones. Now. I only have two left here of your physical Oh, of everything. So I jot it down. So I guess I better get to talking. All right, talking. So this is a series that I bought last year. I have four out of the six books. It is a What do you call Okay, this is the nightwatch series. And it’s translated from Oh, Russia. traveler from Russian. This is Book One is called nightwatch. I’ll just read the first paragraph of the synopsis. It says they are the others and ancient race of supernatural beings, magicians, shapeshifters, vampires and the healers who live among us, human born, they must choose a side of swear allegiance to the dark or the light when they become of age. So this is book one. And then I had cover covers are awesome. And I have Book Two, which is day watch. Okay. And cover. Yeah, I’ve got booked three. Twilight watch. I don’t have books four and five. But I have the final book, which is sixth watch.
Alyssa 30:45
I like now they’re kind of like mixed media.
Naomi 30:48
Mm hmm. So I’ll read book one. And who knows if I really like it and feel compelled. I’ll start the others and see what happens. Yeah, I’m really excited about starting this. I’ve had this on my shelves for quite a while. And also for quite a while I’ve had Vito nostra has been on my shelves for two years,
Alyssa 31:08
I’ve been waiting for you to pull that one out. When I bought this book.
Naomi 31:11
I knew it was a series, but I assumed that they would translate the rest of the series fairly quickly. And so I purposely did not read it because I thought okay, well it’s 2019 fa, translate book to, let’s say, you know, over the next year, I mean, that’s fine. I can wait. But here we are two years later, and still, only book one has been translated. So I’m just going to go ahead and read book one. So that’s been a no straw. This is translated from is this Russian again? Yes, yes. Okay. So let me read you a little bit of it’s a brilliant dark fantasy, combining psychological suspense, and Chapman and Terra that makes us consider human existence and a fresh and provocative way. People call this duck academia Where is a set? It is set at the Institute of special technologies. That’s the school in this book. Yeah, I’ve
Alyssa 32:01
seen it under dark academia.
Naomi 32:03
So I’m excited about it, but I have a feeling I’m gonna love it and then I’m going to be really sad that the rest of the series has not been translated.
Alyssa 32:11
Well, if you’re sad with the rest of the series isn’t translator you can read daughters from the dark with me. Yes, yes.
Naomi 32:16
What else I’m going to be reading so I have the arc of white smoke by Tiffany de Jackson.
Alyssa 32:22
I just was thinking about that. I was like neither of us have said white smoke yet.
Naomi 32:25
Yeah, I’m holding off on reading this until October. So I’m excited about that. I have enjoyed everything she’s written. I’m also going to read prosperous demon by Kj Parker. This is very Oh, I love that book. Yes. And exorcism methods aren’t delicate, but they’re undeniably effective. He’ll get the demon out. He just doesn’t particularly care what happens to the person. Okay, it’s
Alyssa 32:48
really your like, it’s good.
Naomi 32:51
I feel like I will. I’m excited. And I’m gonna I’m gonna probably read this book it’s called unraveling Oliver by Liz Nugent. Oliver Ryan has the perfect life elegant and seductive. He wants for nothing, sharing a lovely home with a steadfast wife Alice who illustrates the award winning children’s books that are brought him wealth and fame until one evening after at the dinner, Alison’s carefully prepared Oliver savage the assault sir and leaves her for dead. I have nine books left.
Alyssa 33:16
I can I can do a couple I have on pre order book by Lauren Blackwood called within these wicked walls which comes out in about mid October, which is a sort of a spin on Jane Eyre, I believe is play. It’s been it’s been pitched to me. And I’m really really excited to read this because you know how I feel about Jean here? Yes, I
Naomi 33:39
do. Yes, I
Alyssa 33:40
do was to have a really good magic system. You have a fantastic black heroine is supposed to have romance. It’s supposed to be like dark and spooky and Gothic. Like I’m here. I’m here for all these times. I hope that it is it is all the things I hope there is like Gothic chills. I hope there’s good romance like it just feels perfect for that lighter side of us. Oh yes. of the spooky season. I guess I can also highlight these I got in a really good condition. I don’t think anybody actually read them. These are two. This is a thriller mystery series. And the like detective or the main character. It speaks to ghosts and that’s okay. Oh, like it’s up there. Like paranormal investigators basically I like it. Yeah, so it’s, that’s definitely in the right. Yes. Been in there by Daniel Hecht, the city of masks and land of echoes. I don’t know how many of these there are.
Naomi 34:42
And that’s a detective series. Yeah, it says know how other detective series
Alyssa 34:46
is a crea black novel. The first one looks like it’s in in New Orleans. And then this one. Where is this one? I don’t even know. It may be New Mexico. So it looks like they travel all over, you know they, which kind of makes sense because if you don’t have to, if you’re a paranormal investigator, right, you’re not stuck in one spot everywhere. So these are from like, early 2000s. So I wonder what kind of ratings these have. You want to do some books while I figure out what the gold got on Goodreads?
Naomi 35:26
Sure. Okay. I’ve also got the word is murder by Anthony Horowitz on my list, and I’ve only read one book by him and that was magpie murders, which I really enjoyed. I’d like us so good. So good. write a book within a book. I could do Moriarty. Yes, you can. Yes. So this is one bright spring morning in London. Diana calper, the wealthy mother of a famous actor enters a funeral parlor. She is there to plant her own service. Six hours later, she’s found that in her own home, she struggled with a curtain cord. Yes. Love it. I’m excited. It
Alyssa 36:03
looks like they have three books in this series. Which one? The city of masks? Yeah, it looks like there’s three of them. When was the last one
Naomi 36:10
published? What year six? Okay, so let’s done. Yeah, maybe next time you go to the book barn. You can find that third one. Yeah, that’d be really cool. This was something I got from my library and one of those books sales. It’s called debt last a novel by James W. Hall. I’ve never heard of him. But I’m excited to read this. Oh, he’s an Edgar award winning author. Okay, so this is April moss writes obituaries for the Miami Herald. Her son saw your husband script in a cable TV series called Miami ops and has been used as mothers work as a central element of the storyline. In Miami Ops, a serial killer is using obituaries from the local paper as a blueprint for selecting his victims. But midway through the season, a copycat appears a real life killer who was using the same strategy when the serial killer crosses paths with the reclusive Thorn, he has no choice but to leave Key Largo and join forces with a young police woman from Oklahoma who is investigating the murders. And that’s dead last.
Alyssa 37:03
You’re reminding me that I have stacks on stacks on stacks on stacks of mystery books that my mother has brought me. Do you have Jamaica and I do have to make it and I think somewhere
Naomi 37:13
you know, I’ve never read the morning, ever. I’ve never ever even read Rebecca. And I refuse to read it in October because everyone or their mother reads it in October. I’m going to read Jamaica in.
Alyssa 37:26
You better read Rebecca at some point.
Naomi 37:28
I’m going to read it in April just to make people like Why didn’t you read that? I’m gonna read it in April. So yeah, I’ve had this on my shelf for a while. So yeah, I’m gonna read Jamaica in as well.
Alyssa 37:40
You’ll like her writing. Her writing is very flowery. It’s very intricate writer.
Naomi 37:45
You wouldn’t ever use that term though. We don’t use it. We don’t use flash.
Alyssa 37:49
I don’t understand what it means now. But the writing is complex. Yeah, in a really good way.
Naomi 37:54
I’m excited to read this one.
Alyssa 37:56
I actually don’t know if I owned to make it in. But I think I can probably grab it from book barn. So that’s not a big deal. I can always read you make it in with you. I know. I have my cousin Rachel.
Naomi 38:05
Oh, I hear that one’s good, too. Yeah. Oh,
Alyssa 38:07
my cousin Rachel is so good. I have six more I have to film. Sure. I’ll find some more. Okay.
Naomi 38:13
So you already mentioned this, but another one. I’ve heard certain dark things on my shelf for two years. I actually started reading this last year and I didn’t finish it. I didn’t get very far. I don’t really remember what much of what I read. But I will be reading this next month for sure. Certain dark things by Silvia Moreno Garcia. Now there was the night is also a thriller. Right. It is Noir. Like quite new our wishes. That’s what attracted me to it because I liked Noir. And I was like, Oh, that’s that’s my jam. I’m into it. So.
Alyssa 38:46
So we could always throw that one on there too. And that was a recent book of the month pick.
Naomi 38:51
It was it was and I’m finally going to read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
Alyssa 38:57
Oh, I should read that. I
Naomi 38:58
haven’t read that. I did not know it was a short. How small is your writing in it though? It’s not that well, maybe it’s not that small. Is it? Not? That’s all maybe smaller.
Alyssa 39:07
I have that somewhere in this house. And like everything else I have it somewhere in this house. Yeah, I have not read it since high school.
Naomi 39:15
I’ve never read it so I’m excited. Last year was my first time reading Dracula this year. My first time reading Frankenstein. I am also going to read the Call of Cthulhu and Other Stories by Lovecraft.
Alyssa 39:26
Oh yeah, you got that with me?
Naomi 39:27
I should read Frankenstein with you. Okay, now I’m down to my last three. Okay, so I got my two here.
Alyssa 39:31
I got the you’ve seen these. This is the madding tree which is this is just out this month by a from catapult is AK Blackmore so that like catapult send it to me they didn’t catapult if you want to send me books I will happily fill out whatever Google form you want me to upload. This is sent in 1640s England you’ve got a puritanical fever has gripped the nation and in Manningtree, a town depleted of men since the war began. The wars began. The hot terror of damnation burns in the heart of women. men left on of their own devices and ignorant I just sounds like I’ll be fun. Yeah breathing with contemporary energy and resonance the meaning tree plunges its readers into the fever and medicine of the English witch trials, where suspicion mistrust and betrayal run amok as a nation’s arrogant male institutions start to realize that the very people they’ve suppressed for so long, maybe about to rise up and claim their freedom. And I think what I really liked about this is that it’s not about Salem. Yes, yes. Not that there’s anything wrong with Salem witch trials, but it’s so nice to see other witch trials stories, because they happen to everywhere, because men have been persecuting women everywhere for eons. This is becoming the feminist book club. And then my last, like hardcopy one is that one that I bought, this is strictly like one a cover by like, cover pickup, because that cover is fantastic. And this is revelator by Darrell Gregory. It’s, it’s creepy and weird. And then it’s giving me a little bit of Roanoke girls with the setting like that set in 1933. We’re in Tennessee, there’s like dark secrets in a family. And the family has a personal God entity with the funniest name ever. Ghost daddy and I once I said once I read the words ghost, Daddy, I just can’t. And I need a T shirt. A comma t shirt that says goes daddy. Oh, like yes. Yes, daddy.